Real Solutions to Real Problems

At CXC™ we pride ourselves on finding, inventing, developing, protecting and selling Real Solutions to Real Problems

We Solve Technology Gaps

CXC is a Montreal-based company that helps transform fundamental research into applied research with the goal of solving distinct problems in large addressable markets and finding the best partner to commercialize the ensuing intellectual property.

We specialize in identifying technological gaps across various sectors with the goal of filling those gaps through clever and elegant technological advancements

CXC does not operate a Direct-to-Consumer business model. Instead, we search for partners that have established relationships and sales channels to end-users.

Getting the Best Brains in the Game

Over the last three years, CXC has assembled an amazing staff and a remarkable roster of scientific, business and technological experts fully dedicated to resolving some quality of life challenges as well as the threats that jeopardize our very existence as a species on this planet.

Real Problems

We put our thinking caps on and identified our key interests based on the very specific criterion: is there a “real” problem here?

After much analysis and investigation we settled on directing our development efforts on technologies mostly emanating the following areas:

Regenerative Agriculture Fighting Climate Change

  • Biologicals
  • Signalling compounds
  • Food security

Microplastic Replacement in Skin Care

  • Unique use of Biopolymers in film forming

Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

  • VRE potentiation through a pro-drug
  • MRSA potentiation with polyphenols

Quantum Computing

  • Topological Qbit
  • Cooling without the use of H3

The Key to Getting to Real Solutions…Invest in Humans: they get ideas…

In our quest to find, invent, protect and develop Real Solutions to Real Problems, we realized that we needed to concentrate on “Real People”: the innovators and not the innovation, the researcher not the research. Humans get ideas. We invest in humans and foster creativity to get to the best ideas.

Our Researchers are all Superheroes… so we Built the Rocket ship

Investing in humans is one thing, giving them the means to succeed is another.
At CXC we pride ourselves on having built the rocket ship to propel the innovations our Superheroes develop into orbit and beyond.
CXC was built to enable our innovations to reach escape velocity.

CXC Superhero Profile

  • Creative Powers
  • Team player
  • Good person
  • PhD
  • Decades of research experience
  • Dreamer of lofty ideas with lofty ideals
  • Interest in solving real problems

A small cross section of CXC Real Solutions

Professor Don Smith is the father of LCO technology currently in use in over 100m Hectares, helping farmers fight the effects of climate change as it relates to increased abiotic and other stress all while generating hundreds of millions of dollars of profits in the last 10 years for the owners of the technology.

Dr. Fazli Mabood studied with Professor Smith at McGill and has outfitted the CXC lab to perfectly integrate with Professor Smith’s lab at McGill. 

CXC’s Dr. Mabood and team have further developed Professor’s Smiths’ innovations around Biostimulants, which increase yields of upward to 20%, and Biocontrols that fight important diseases such as Tomato Canker and Potato Scab, for which no solution currently exists in the market.

With over 20 years of Professor Smith’s research backing up the technology, CXC’s Abio™ is truly a Real Solution to a Real Problem, outperforming Professor Smith’s previous  LCO technology in many key ways in the face of food insecurity due to the effects of climate change on farmer’s yields around the world.

Learn More

The Skin-Care Cosmetic and Personal Care industry is worth over $600 billion annually.  But the industry is facing many Real Problems, most notably the need to eliminate the use of Micro-Plastics and to change the fact that it is really a petrochemical based industry through its reliance on Carbomers.

The industry knows that a solution to eliminating Micro-Plastics and Carbomers would be to use Biopolymers at the core of formulations.  The problem is that most biopolymers are naturally non-soluble.

Our scientists have led the development at CXC of a truly ground-breaking, patented, Real Solution that for the first time allows Biopolymers such as Alpha-Cellulose, Vegan Chitosan and all others be at the core of formulations, eliminating the need for microplastics and carbomers.

CXC-SKIN also unlocks all the other powers of biopolymers such as anti-aging and anti-wrinkle properties inherent to them.

McGill University

Professor Guillaume Gervais

Everyone agrees that Quantum Computing shows much promise to help and assist with some major challenges such as:

  • Encryption
  • Solving difficult combinatorics problems
  • Ab initio calculations
  • Supply chain logistics
  • Drug development
  • Weather focusing
  • Finance predictive modelling

But Quantum Computing also shows a lot of promise to be the next money pit of promises as was Precision Medicine and Artificial Intelligence.  Why?  Because there are two Real Problems to overcome before anything meaningful with Quantum Computing can occur.  The two problems are:

  • Noise (creates massive errors in calculations)
  • Cooling (currently practices uses Helium and the world is running out of Helium)

CXC have licensed Professor Gervais’ patented, revolutionary Flip Chip and innovative Cooling technologies as well as funding his lab and team to invent-discover-develop the world’s first Topological Qbit, which would elegantly solve the noise problem currently prohibiting meaningful Quantum Computer roll out.  CXC and Professor Gervais have coined their Real Solution “ByTor”.

McGill University

Professor Nathalie Tufenkji

The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) as one of the top 10 global public health threats facing humanity.

It is predicted that by 2050, drug resistant infections will kill more people than cancer.

Barring a solution, one estimate tallies the cumulative hit to the global economy from antibiotic-resistant bacteria could be as high as $100 trillion

Alarmingly, the WHO has declared that the current antibiotic development pipeline is dry.

New ways of thinking are required to find Real Solutions to the AMR crisis.  CXC has been working with two leading McGill University researchers who have been quietly researching two separate but equally elegant solutions to the problem of Antibiotic Resistance.  

Professor Nathalie Tufenkji has focused on using Cranberry derived polyphenols to potentiate MRSA resistance with great effect. 

Real Solution to a Real Problem

Our downtown Montréal office is located at:

1200 McGill College suite 2000
Montréal, QC
H3B 4G7

We are conveniently just down the street from McGill University

To contact us, please phone 514-557-9117 or email us at

Our fully outfitted lab is located in the Admare-Neomed Campus in Montreal’s Technoparc


Admare Building 2 Lab 160
7171 Frederick-Banting
Saint-Laurent, Québec
H4S 1Z9

Contact Information:

To contact us, please phone 514-557-9117 or email us at

The Founders

CXC was founded by Pierre-Yves Méthot, François Lamoureux and Mark Méthot in September 2019
I invite you to contact me if you have any questions or would like to discuss how our technological efforts can benefit you or your organization. We have a large portfolio of amazing innovations all tailored to make a difference in people’s lives.

My direct email is franççois-lamoureux-cxc

Real Solution to a Real Problem

At CXC™ we pride ourselves on finding, inventing, developing, protecting and selling Real Solutions to Real Problems.

man holding incandescent bulb

We Solve Technology Gaps

CXC is a Montreal-based company that helps transform fundamental research into applied research with the goal of solving distinct problems in large addressable markets and finding the best partner to commercialize the ensuing intellectual property.

We specialize in identifying technological gaps across various sectors with the goal of filling those gaps through clever and elegant technological advancements

CXC does not operate a Direct-to-Consumer business model. Instead, we search for partners that have established relationships and sales channels to end-users.

man holding incandescent bulb

Getting the Best Brains in the Game

Over the last three years, CXC has assembled an amazing staff and a remarkable roster of scientific, business and technological experts fully dedicated to resolving some quality of life challenges as well as the threats that jeopardize our very existence as a species on this planet.
man holding incandescent bulb

Real Problems

We put our thinking caps on and identified our key interests based on the very specific criterion: is there a “real” problem here?

After much analysis and investigation we settled on directing our development efforts on technologies mostly emanating the following areas:

Regenerative Agriculture Fighting Climate Change

  • Biologicals
  • Signalling compounds
  • Food security

Microplastic Replacement in Skin Care

  • Unique use of Biopolymers in film forming

Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

  • VRE potentiation through a pro-drug
  • MRSA potentiation with polyphenols

Quantum Computing

  • Topological Qbit
  • Cooling without the use of H3
man holding incandescent bulb

The Key to Getting to Real Solutions…Invest in Humans: they get ideas…

In our quest to find, invent, protect and develop Real Solutions to Real Problems, we realized that we needed to concentrate on “Real People”: the innovators and not the innovation, the researcher not the research. Humans get ideas. We invest in humans and foster creativity to get to the best ideas.
man holding incandescent bulb

Our Researchers are all Superheroes… so we Built the Rocket ship

Investing in humans is one thing, giving them the means to succeed is another.

At CXC we pride ourselves on having built the rocket ship to propel the innovations our Superheroes develop into orbit and beyond.

CXC was built to enable our innovations to reach escape velocity.

CXC Superhero Profile

  • Creative Powers
  • Team player
  • Good person
  • PhD
  • Decades of research experience
  • Dreamer of lofty ideas with lofty ideals
  • Interest in solving real problems

A small cross section of CXC Real Solutions

Professor Don Smith is the father of LCO technology currently in use in over 100m Hectares, helping farmers fight the effects of climate change as it relates to increased abiotic and other stress all while generating hundreds of millions of dollars of profits in the last 10 years for the owners of the technology.

Dr. Fazli Mabood studied with Professor Smith at McGill and has outfitted the CXC lab to perfectly integrate with Professor Smith’s lab at McGill. 

CXC’s Dr. Mabood and team have further developed Professor’s Smiths’ innovations around Biostimulants, which increase yields of upward to 20%, and Biocontrols that fight important diseases such as Tomato Canker and Potato Scab, for which no solution currently exists in the market.

With over 20 years of Professor Smith’s research backing up the technology, CXC’s Abio™ is truly a Real Solution to a Real Problem, outperforming Professor Smith’s previous  LCO technology in many key ways in the face of food insecurity due to the effects of climate change on farmer’s yields around the world.

Learn More

The Skin-Care Cosmetic and Personal Care industry is worth over $500 billion annually.  But the industry is facing many Real Problems, most notably the need to eliminate the use of Micro-Plastics and to change the fact that it is really a petrochemical based industry through its reliance on Carbomers.

The industry knows that a solution to eliminating Micro-Plastics and Carbomers would be to use Biopolymers at the core of formulations.  The problem is that most biopolymers are naturally non-soluble.

Our scientists have led the development at CXC of a truly ground-breaking, patented, Real Solution that for the first time allows Biopolymers such as Alpha-Cellulose, Vegan Chitosan and all others be at the core of formulations, eliminating the need for microplastics and carbomers.

CXC-SKIN also unlocks all the other powers of biopolymers such as anti-aging and anti-wrinkle properties inherent to them.

Everyone agrees that Quantum Computing shows much promise to help and assist with some major challenges such as:

  • Encryption
  • Solving difficult combinatorics problems
  • Ab initio calculations
  • Supply chain logistics
  • Drug development
  • Weather focusing
  • Finance predictive modelling

But Quantum Computing also shows a lot of promise to be the next money pit of promises as was Precision Medicine and Artificial Intelligence.  Why?  Because there are two Real Problems to overcome before anything meaningful with Quantum Computing can occur.  The two problems are:

  • Noise (creates massive errors in calculations)
  • Cooling (currently practices uses Helium and the world is running out of Helium)

CXC have licensed Professor Gervais’ patented, revolutionary Flip Chip and innovative Cooling technologies as well as funding his lab and team to invent-discover-develop the world’s first Topological Qbit, which would elegantly solve the noise problem currently prohibiting meaningful Quantum Computer roll out.  CXC and Professor Gervais have coined their Real Solution “ByTor”.

McGill University

Professor Guillaume Gervais

The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) as one of the top 10 global public health threats facing humanity.

It is predicted that by 2050, drug resistant infections will kill more people than cancer.

Barring a solution, one estimate tallies the cumulative hit to the global economy from antibiotic-resistant bacteria could be as high as $100 trillion

Alarmingly, the WHO has declared that the current antibiotic development pipeline is dry.

New ways of thinking are required to find Real Solutions to the AMR crisis.  CXC has been working with two leading McGill University researchers who have been quietly researching two separate but equally elegant solutions to the problem of Antibiotic Resistance.  

Professor Nathalie Tufenkji has focused on using Cranberry derived polyphenols to potentiate MRSA resistance with great effect. 

Real Solution to a Real Problem

McGill University

Professor Nathalie Tufenkji

Our downtown Montréal office is located at:


1200 McGill College suite 2000
Montréal, QC
H3B 4G7

We are conveniently just down the street from McGill University

To contact us, please phone 514-557-9117 or email us at

Our fully outfitted lab is located in the Admare-Neomed Campus in Montreal’s Technoparc


Admare Building 2 Lab 160
7171 Frederick-Banting
Saint-Laurent, Québec
H4S 1Z9

Contact Information:

To contact us, please phone 514-557-9117 or email us at

The Founders

CXC was founded by Pierre-Yves Méthot, François Lamoureux and Mark Méthot in September 2019
I invite you to contact me if you have any questions or would like to discuss how our technological efforts can benefit you or your organization. We have a large portfolio of amazing innovations all tailored to make a difference in people’s lives.

My direct email is franççois-lamoureux-cxc

© 2025 CXC. All Rights Reserved.